Forward Head Posture and Disease.
Ask most any experienced Anatomist, Doctor, or Therapist and they will agree that structure and function are deeply interrelated. As we conclude our social media
ELDOA and Migraines
Merrian-Webster defines migraines as; a condition marked by recurring moderate to severe headache with throbbing pain that usually lasts from four hours to three days, typically
Strength Training.
Our final Bio Motor Ability is strength. Strength is ability to overcome a force regardless of time. Strength training repetitions tend to blur the line
Balance Training.
A bit more on balance training. There are two major components in balance training beyond postural alignment. The first is righting reflexes. Righting reflexes determine
Balance Training.
What\’s the best way to train to improve ones balance? If you Google balance training you will find all the latest and greatest devices, Bosu
Endurance Training.
If your lacking this next Bio Motor Ability your are setting yourself up for injury. Endurance is the ability to repeat a task consecutively without
Flexibility Training.
This topic strikes a nerve with me each time I release an athlete from my care into the hands of their high school and college
Flexibility/Mobility Training.
Let\’s discuss flexibility/mobility. While flexibility and mobility are not the same thing, they are closely related. Flexibility for our discussion, is the ability to achieve
Speed Training.
Another Bio Motor Ability is Speed. Speed refers to \”how fast an object is moving.\” Speed can be thought of as the rate at which an
Coordination Training.
Our next Bio Motor Ability discussion centers around Coordination. Coordination can be discussed from an inter and intramuscular perspective. Intermuscular coordination is the ability to
Amazing Agility Training.
All about Agility Training. Today we continue on with defining and understanding Bio Motor Abilities. Let’s take a look! Agility is one’s ability to control
Powerful Power Training.
What is power training? Let’s take an in depth look at Bio Motor Abilities starting with Power. Power = work/time. Power is essentially moving as