How can Pierce Family Wellness help with pain?

At Pierce Family Wellness, we begin by analyzing your posture, evaluating your pain symptoms, and assessing your injury history to develop an extensive plan to eliminate the causes of your physical discomfort. We then utilize a comprehensive system of personal training with ELDOA, SomaTraining, and Massage Therapy to address your physical dysfunctions whether they originate from acute trauma or chronic misuse

How long do should I expect the process to take?

Based on our years of experience with a wide variety of dysfunctions, diseases, and injuries, we find that our pain reduction program generally takes a minimum of 12 weeks to see a consistent diminishing of pain. Of course, you are a unique individual, and you should not be pinned to a generic timeframe. We discuss the proposed timeframe during your initial consultation, and we find that the clients that commit to their home program and group classes see the most benefit the quickest. Click here to get started now!

Once you have less pain we move into the performance development stage of our system. Click here to learn more about our performance level system.