SomaTraining™ Exercise

What is Somatraining™?

SOMATRAINING™ is a unique methodology for rehabilitation, strength & conditioning built on osteopathic principles. These techniques are indispensable tools that support the care of physical therapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, and other health/wellness models.

Who benefits from SomaTraining™?

SOMATRAINING™ Program for people that want improve their general health and function and athletes at all levels. The program is designed to teach you precise exercise techniques and myofascial stretching to reach optimum health and maximum performance.

How is SomaTraining™ different from traditional exercise?

SOMATRAINING™ isolates the individual muscles within their fascial chains. It can work any muscle, at any depth, precisely. This increases awareness, flexibility, blood flow, and strength. All of these functions of the body that are necessary for long term health and wellness.

Where can I find certified SomaTraining professionals?

At Pierce Family Wellness, all of our trainers go through Dr Voyer’s SOMATRAINING™ program to better serve our customers.