holistic lifestyle

Balance Training.

A bit more on balance training. There are two major components in balance training beyond postural alignment. The first is righting reflexes. Righting reflexes determine your ability to compensate for changes in the environment as you move across it. Righting reflexes rely primarily on your proprioceptive abilities, that is, your bodies ability to quickly respond by changing the tonus

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Balance Training.

What\’s the best way to train to improve ones balance? If you Google balance training you will find all the latest and greatest devices, Bosu balls, dynadisk, rocker boards, along with hundreds of websites filled with thousands of exercises utilizing the aforementioned devices. These devices allow us to challenge our bodies in some amazing ways,

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Speed Training.

Another Bio Motor Ability is Speed. Speed refers to \”how fast an object is moving.\” Speed can be thought of as the rate at which an object covers distance. A fast-moving object has a high speed and covers a relatively large distance in a short amount of time. Contrast this to a slow-moving object that has

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Coordination Training.

Our next Bio Motor Ability discussion centers around Coordination. Coordination can be discussed from an inter and intramuscular perspective. Intermuscular coordination is the ability to use multiple muscles synergistically to create motion. Intramuscular coordination is the ability to utilize various fibers of a single muscle simultaneously. The hip extensor muscles relaxing while the hip flexor

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